Launched in 2020 is India's most popular online rewarding program. works together with many market research companies that want to advertise their products, services or take market research surveys. You can earn working from anywhere around the world and get paid in your currency. Members of DollarPayU get free gift cards and cash for the everyday activities like downloading apps, games, watching videos, or taking surveys. You'll earn rewards in cash and points. We have multiple payments methods like PayPal, Skrill, UPI and Bank Transfer.
We reward our members with instant cash and free gift cards for completing surveys, downloading apps and games. We constantly work on developing our platform further to only show the best quality tasks and surveys available. DollarPayU is registered in India. We started our journy early 2020 and today we have many people working to develop and maintain the platform.
Join Our CommunityWe have 20+ offerwalls, so there is always something to do. You will not run out of surveys.
Most of our offerwalls are of higher quality. We don't have low quality offerwalls as they are mostly scam.
We host monthly contest. In which we give top 3 winners a lot of cool surprises.
Thousands of our registered members are earning doing simple tasks from their comfort zone.
Register now and GET 10 Points signup bonus. Start earning today. It's completely free. There are no hidden charges.